Swimming, Sandwiches and Sleep

On May 22, 2011 we spent several hours in the pool.  Max was quite the swimmer.  I think he tired himself out.

Then we sat on the deck and had sandwiches...mid-chew Max fell asleep with his sandwich in his hand. His arm, with sandwich, was mid-air for another bit when he fell asleep and his arm slowly lowered to his lap.  I watched this all happening with my mouth wide open.  Max is not a fall asleep in the afternoon kind of guy.  He goes all out all day long.

Then he fell more deeply asleep...as noted by the sandwich falling out of his hand.  But, note the hand is still in sandwich holding position.  I wish I had a photo, but when he woke up an hour later, he picked the sandwich up and kept eating like he hadn't fallen asleep.


Kristi said…
That is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the photos!!! And his hand in the sandwich position. That cracked me up!

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