Christmas Tree 2010

On December 5, 2010 we went to a Christmas Tree farm.  I forgot the name of it or where it was.  But, I do remember it was bitter cold.  Max was so cold, but didn't want to wear his snow suit because there was no snow on ground and he was nervous people would laugh at him for being in a snow suit.  We couldn't convince the guy to put the suit on for we let him run around in the layers we had on him.  This cut our trip incredibly short, but the day was simply too cold to enjoy being outside...especially with no snow!

We did get a tree, roast a marshmallow and get a cute photo in front of a Christmas display.

We remind ourselves our experiences have to be what they are vs what we imagined they might or should be.  With these thoughts in mind, our time together is much more enjoyable...making the most of what actually happens!


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