Accident Prone

I have been accident prone of late.  I've always considered myself quite lucky.  No major harm or drama ever in my life.  I'm starting to feel like my luck is on shaky ground these days.  These are the crazy things happening to us lately...

An accident in Vegas over New Year's, a guy rear-ended us...the police officer proclaimed, emphatically, "it was not your fault".

Max immediately complained his neck hurt.  As a result, he was transported, via ambulance, to the local hospital for a quick look-see.  Luckily (and this is where I believe I still have a lot of luck on my side!), Max showed no signs of injury, just a tad sore.

I don't have a photo, but I have backed up into our garage door (while closed or partially closed) twice in the last four months.

 And just last week, does this happen?

Daddy was there within five minutes.  And, together with a passing mailman they unstuck the rock within seconds and we were able to get home safely.

My husband has a certain patience for the nicks and bumps that happen frequently to the cars I drive.  He laughed when hearing about my latest and rushed to our aide...thank goodness for his sense of humor during these occasions as I really try my darndest to stay out of trouble as it relates to motor vehicles!

During the short wait for Daddy to save us, Max said in a very stern voice "if this happens again, I want a new mama!".  Clearly, these brushes with our safety are weighing heavily for him.  I didn't know how to respond, but I certainly didn't scold him for the request for a new mother, or take it personally.  I recognized his fear and tried to comfort him.

I guess, looking at the bigger picture, my luck remains fast and strong.  We have our health, happiness and a sense of humor!


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