Back to Syria

I have so much catching up to do. Starting with our trip overseas in October. We went to Syria with a quick day in Rome, then Halloween, Turkey Day, Xmas, and all the funny moments in between.

Back to Syria...our trip was perfect. Such wonderful hosts in Max's Auntie and Uncle (aka Don Mo) and his family. Don Mo's sister and mother live in Syria and we stayed with them and it was phenomenal.

One of the trips was to a city called Tadmur also known as Palmyra. This city is known for it's third century "warrior queen" Zenobia. Quick history below.

ZENOBIA 240-272 AD Zenobia was a third-century Arab Queen of Tadmur (Palmyra), a "warrior queen." Zenobia led her people in a war against Rome, much like Boudica did in England. The riding into battle was an important element for Zenobia's success. A woman's presence at a battle is an inspiration (rather like a goddess figure) common to the Arabs, in the pre-Islamic tradition of the Lady of Victory. This Lady of Victory, her hair flowing and her body party exposed, appealed to valor and passion.

This city, in Syria, is located about 80 miles south of the Iraq border...I think.

In the pictures attached, Max and his Auntie Vickie are shown in the castle. Just past Max's head, you can see a trail leading away from Max to a city center. The trail and city center are the ancient ruins. The castle where Max and Vickie were photographed overlooked the ancient ruins from the third century...unbelievable. You can't see it clearly, but this city had a roman influence which is reflected in the ruins. We have better pictures of the ruins which I'll post in another entry. For now, these photos were really interesting with the wind and all. We held on to Max very tightly the entire visit through the castle.


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