Where's the Poop, Mama?

So, I have to come clean that Mark actually potty trained Max. Mark was much more focused and just decided one day that he'd had enough of my "trying" and it was going to happen. I was out for the day in Nov or Dec 08 and Mark spent the entire day working on the potty with Max until he finally "got it". Max would go pee, pee in the potty sporadically, but wouldn't deposit solid items. Anyway, Mark "got it done!". Thank you!

Mark used the reward system and Max is rewarded with whatever candy we may have on hand. This was a delight to Max as we rarely gave him any sweets and certainly not flat out candy. We first used mini-m&m's and have now settled mostly on these organic gummy bears that I find at Whole Foods. (Editor's note: as of now, Max only gets candy if he remembers to ask for it as we are trying to wean him off the "reward").

Fast forward to last night, Max was eating dinner and for some silly reason I had left some gummy bears on the kitchen table and he spotted them. "I have to go poo, poo, Mommy, get gummy bears". I replied, "ok, Max". He was mostly finished with his dinner and I figured if he went now he wouldn't have the "poo, poo" stall tactic later as I was putting him to bed which usually adds another 20 minutes to our bedtime routine.

He excused himself from the table "'scuse me table, please"...how cute...and ran off to the bathroom slamming the door shut to keep me out, he needs his privacy these days. I silently crept to the bathroom door and pressed my ear so I could hear the activity and ensure he wasn't playing me. I heard him pull his pants down and climb onto the potty and produce the required article. I then helped him wash up and he was presented with 2 gummy bears.

Max decided 2 gummy bears were not nearly enough. "I go poo, poo 'gain momma, get gummy bears." I figured, what the heck, knock yourself out. Again, slammed the door, "No talking Momma, I busy" as I asked through the door if he needed help. I replied to him, "Max, you have to let Mommy see your poo, poo or no gummy bears". Last time he had flushed before I could get back in the bathroom, but I felt certain he had produced. This time, the repeat performance, I thought it might be more difficult. Silence from the bathroom. I asked again if he needed help and reminded him that I needed to see it. He asked, "Where's the poop, Mama?". I opened the door and he was sort of pushed to the side trying to look down into the toilet as he sat there. "I don't know, Max, where IS the poop?"

Max replied after a few thoughtful moments, "I think it's in my butt, Mama". "I think the poop is in my butt, Mama".

Mama burst out laughing and agreed that the poop was still in his butt. Kids really do say the funniest things!

No pictures...but I'll try to capture his "thinking face" pretty soon. It is hilarious. He purses his lips together, his eyes look up and to the corner and lately he puts 1 finger to his lips and taps while he "thinks". When he figures out his answer, he looks you straight in the eyes and usually spreads his hands out to his sides, palms up and shakes them up and down and replies...so HILARIOUS!


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