Max's First Halloween Parade

Max participated in his first Halloween parade at school. Adorable!

We arrived early to artwork all along the outside of the school and walkway.

Loud Halloween music started and they started unloading the entire school (junior kindergarten through 5th grade) to watch the was a big crowd. Then, the big parade in their homemade costumes. The teachers were pumpkin farmers and the kids were pumpkins. They made hats also, but Max rejected the pumpkin hat, as did several of the boys and girls.

They did a dance also, but Max, surprisingly, rejected participation. He loves to dance, but maybe the pumpkin dance wasn't as exciting for him as his Super Freak dance. Instead he took off his pumpkin costume.

At the very end, I tried to get some nice photos of Grandma Honey and Max and Daddy and Max and possibly all of them togehter...but this guy is really tough. So, the best one of Daddy and Max.


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