Pre-Op Physical
Max is having eye surgery soon. On April 15th I took him for a pre-op physical. Little did I know that was way too soon. So, I had to go again so the physical was less than 10 days prior to his surgery. So, this week we went for a repeat physical. The first nurse tried to take his blood pressure, but it was too faint for her to hear so she had to bring in another nurse, apparently the expert blood pressure taker!
Max is always so good at the Dr's office. Let me clarify...he is good when they ask him to lie down or check his eyes, ears, mouth, heart, etc. We'll see how he feels about Dr's after a surgery. I hope the poor guy isn't too scared.
The first photo is with nurse 1.
Max is always so good at the Dr's office. Let me clarify...he is good when they ask him to lie down or check his eyes, ears, mouth, heart, etc. We'll see how he feels about Dr's after a surgery. I hope the poor guy isn't too scared.
The first photo is with nurse 1.
This next photo is with the expert blood pressure nurse 2.