Visiting Parks

Max and I have been exploring the parks of Oakland County.  We visited this park with Max's Grandma Honey.  She was nice enough to go on the teeter totter with Max...he was really happy!

Visiting parks have afforded me a ton of "teaching moments".  A teaching moment is pretty self-explanatory in that Max presents me with an exceptionally large base of behavior with which to apply all sorts of healthy childhood lessons like manners, sharing, taking turns, sand in the sandbox and it's appropriate uses, and let's not even talk about a nose, a finger and their appropriate uses.  Do any moms of 3 year olds wonder when we get to witness the learning moments instead of applying the teaching moments?  I kid..........sort of.  I guess that is why they say children are 24/7.  

But spring is a great time in Michigan.  And, the Oakland County area does offer some really nice parks for the tikes to play and learn.  We are enjoying!


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