Chicken Soup for the, Pool

On Saturday, May 1st, Mark was in Rome for business and Max and I were in MI.  Max didn't want to get out of his pajama's all day long.  I figured, it's Saturday, we didn't have any commitments, let the guy stay in his PJ's if it makes him happy.

It was a nice day that Saturday, so I let him on the deck to play in the sand, in his PJs.  From the photo below, you can see the sand was muddy.  I figured...what the heck.  Get dirty, you are a child.  Clothes can be washed...and you are almost grown out of these particular jammies, so what if they get ruined.

It was a really nice day, I think it hit about mid-70's that day.  I decided to fill up a tub with warm water and let the guy play in it.  I tried to get him to put on his swim trunks and he declined.  Again...what the heck.  Our deck is extremely private...only the birds, raccoons, deer, butterfly's, ants and other wildlife would be seeing his birthday suit.

Then he decided he was chilly.  I got him a his request - "it's windy, mama"--...and put it over his tub pool to keep him warm...again, at his request.

Then he decided he was hungry, wanted to eat outside, AND wanted to eat in his pool.  Well, he was already naked, I figured clean up couldn't be easier, why not?

I had been preparing homemade chicken soup for Max that day...again, his, Max had some chicken soup, in his pool, on the deck with a towel over his head/pool, naked.

I could read all sorts of things into this scenario and decided Max was just having some chicken soup for the soul that day.  In fact, he had three bowls of soup in his muddy, pool water....and I happily let him.


Kristi said…
That's awesome!!! Forget about doing everything right, proper, clean, or normal. Kids love out of the norm. Apparently you did too. So why not! Those out of the ordinary times make the best memories!

All that aside, I cracked up reading that and looking at the pics!

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