The Library

Max and I visit the library on a fairly regular basis.  We try to hit it at least once per week.  Max decided the library was as good a place as any to continue fine-tuning his climbing skills.  I was mighty impressed with the result in the photo below.  

Inside the library, he picks his books and then races to the computers to watch his favorite show "Peep".  I understand the library is for reading and books, but I do indulge the guy and let him watch Peep too.  

He cracks me up.  He is a generally loud person and when he is watching his show with the headphones on, he talks so loudly.  And, he just laughs and laughs (at a very high decibel with a really deep belly laugh) at his show and the librarians give him the sweetest smiles, which is nice since he is being loud at the library and you could expect a "shhhhh".

We like the library and have found a ton of books to enjoy together at home, which is the point, I guess, right?


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