The Eiffel Tower...
in Vegas! Max, Auntie Vivian and Daddy visited the Eiffel Tower at The Paris hotel in Las Vegas. Nice view!
We were at home for Thanksgiving and the entire Alhermizi family joined us. What a fun trip. The Eiffel Tower on November 23, 2011 was but one of the many activities during this trip.
Max's Auntie Tina had other plans for her time in Vegas! She won playing roulette. I was surprised the casino let us take a photo with Max so near the gaming table as the laws are quite strict with regards to minors near gaming tables, but we were appreciative as Tina was sooo happy!
We were at home for Thanksgiving and the entire Alhermizi family joined us. What a fun trip. The Eiffel Tower on November 23, 2011 was but one of the many activities during this trip.
Max's Auntie Tina had other plans for her time in Vegas! She won playing roulette. I was surprised the casino let us take a photo with Max so near the gaming table as the laws are quite strict with regards to minors near gaming tables, but we were appreciative as Tina was sooo happy!