Little Piggy
Mark invited Max and I to dinner at Bergdorf Goodman's on Monday, April 28th. Bergdorf's is a great department store in NYC, at 58th and 5th Ave right next to the old Plaza Hotel. The view of Central Park from the restaurant is amazing and the food is pretty tasty too!
Bergdorf's is not a child friendly place for kids to run around out of their strollers. It was a bit nerve-wracking strolling him through the aisles on the way to the restaurant as I had to constantly gauge his wingspan and see what he could reach and potentially shatter. We headed to the children's section which has very few toys, but wondrous clothing for kids at astronomical prices. While we were waiting for Papa and avoiding the "you break it, you buy it "policy (I'm not sure, but I didn't want to find out!!), Max and I toured this children's section with Max in the stroller. Look what Max yanked off the shelf. He hugged the piggy so hard. Delicious!!!