Please Forgive Me Max...But, How Cute?

I had to...Max potty training mid-May. The above photo is an actual poop, the second of his life in a toilet. The first being at 6 months...I'll have to post that photo on the blog, hilarious. Anyway, at 22 months he was definitely "ready" to start, but remains quite the actor right now.

A look at a typical re-run episode. "Papa, poo-poo". They race to the toilet, get situated. Read a magazine or two and then the pronouncement "look, poo-poo". Papa looks...nothing, but goes along and congratulates Max on his "poo-poo". They wipe, thoroughly....Max will be exceptionally clean...wash his hands...again, sparkling clean...and put on big boy pants. Five minutes later, giant poop hanging in the big boy pants :-( Max claps as Papa plops it in the toilet and happily flushes the toilet with more clapping and laughter.

I'm told the "act" is great progress and can't wait for the poop to hit the toilet instead of his pants! But in the meantime, lots of excitement for Max.


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