Flossing at 2!?!
So Max had his very first visit to the dentist this week. He was amazing. Full of curiosity, no tears, he listened very well and actually followed the directions from both the dental hygienist and the Dr. The dental office was child friendly and it was fun. I happen to like the dentist, but I'm not sure if I did as a child. So far, Max likes the dentist. He went home with a sticker, a big tooth smile character that winds up and hops and a toy helicopter. I don't recall the give-aways being that great when I was a kid.
The dentist told me Max has no visible problems, his teeth look strong and as of now, no concerns. He also said the spacing in his teeth show promise for straight teeth when the adult teeth come in...who knows, maybe he tells all the first-timers this promising story...but as I do with most of these milestones, I took it with pride and believed everything.
Max looked so small in the chair and yet so big...my baby is growing up!
Oh, and wait, the best part about the visit...they told me he needs to start flossing his back teeth....WHAT!!??!! I asked him if he was serious. "Yes". I can barely floss, how the heck is my 2 year old going to floss? I'll have to get Mark on the flossing stuff...
That's awesome that Max did so good while he was there. I'm sort of dreading that first visit, so it's good to hear it might be ok.