Guess the Celebrity Parent
Max was in a Soccer class in New York this spring. It was called Super Soccer Stars and he loved the class and his coaches, Coach Juan and Coach Brendan. Max was the youngest in this class and he was a bit of a non-conformist during class always trying to do his own thing. In one of the pictures, Max is "helping" his friend with a shirt...clearly the kid didn't need help, but Max insisted. Luckily the coaches were great and really gave Max special attention so that he could continue with the class.
In this class, Max made friends with a celebrity mom's child pictured in the photos here. The mom is a celebrity on primetime TV and has won Emmy's for her work. This kid is ADORABLE!
In the interest of this kids privacy and his mom's, I won't blog the name, but I'll be happy to tell you in email if you want to leave a comment. I love her show!
Note: the kid's eyes look a bit weird as I had a fight with the red-eye fix in didn't work so great.