Road Trip to Saugatuck
We took a road trip to Saugatuck this past week-end and had a spectacular time. The weather could not have been better...except at the very end. To start our trip, Mark and I picked Max up from his last day of summer camp on Friday and headed straight to the highway for the 2.5 hour drive.
We prepped Max for his road trip a bit too well as he woke up at 4 am on Friday and asked if it was time to go on his road trip. That was a tad early for us.
During our week-end he had a day at the beach, several forays into the complex swimming pool and all of the sudden the guy is an olympic swimmer and working on his diving skills. Ok, I exaggerate...but this kid has turned into an independent little fishy within the space of a few weeks. He does have the habit of requiring an audience for all of his tricks which was funny, but then he was so loud and vocal about his friends watching we had to tell him that every trick does not require an audience. He wasn't convinced, but we'll keep working on it!
Max was able to meet a few new friends via Mark's great friend from college, his wife and family and her sisters and their families as well as her parents. He really enjoyed playing with his new friends and exploring Saugatuck, Douglas and Lake Michigan...we are thinking of heading back in a few weeks we had so much fun!