Jessica & Ashlee Simpson - The Little Drummer Boy

Yes, Max and I are listening to Christmas music already.  Today, we were listening to Jessica and Ashlee Simpson's rendition of Little Drummer boy...on repeat.  Max was really digging the song.  After the 5th or 6th time, he finally said, "Mom, she is a really good singer".  You had to hear the inflection in his voice...hysterical.  Like he was really surprised.  Then he said with the same inflection, "she is better than me".  The "me" was very high whoa, how could she be better than me???

This boy cracks me up daily.  I wish I could have recorded this conversation because it was so much funnier when you hear him saying it vs. me writing it.

P.S.  when my husband reads this post, he is going to be thrilled to hear we are already on Christmas music in September...not :-)


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