Big Birthday!

My friend Paula had a big birthday this year on 8.4.08. We met in Vegas along with her cousin Lisa to celebrate. While Max was home with Auntie Vickie and Cousin "Beff"...check out the picture...Max was eating yogurt, Mommy was in Vegas winning! The picture of me is from the Palm's casino Playboy club where I was playing video poker at the bar and won a cool grand with a royal flush! I also won at blackjack and slots. I don't normally play slots, but it seems I couldn't lose at any game this trip!

I left early to get home to my baby and Paula and Lisa stayed another few days. While I was gone, they went to a new Price is Right show. Lisa got picked and then guessed the right price to get on stage and play more games. I think she won over $500 on the show. They had a great time in did I.

Max had a great time with his relatives in MI!


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