More on the Cable

In my last post I mentioned that we flew to MI for cable installation as well as a few other very important items.  We were very excited for cable.  We haven't had any TV in this home since we moved in during late September.  Well we had Comcast out in September when we first moved in.  They couldn't install as there wasn't a cable or line (or whatever it is called) close enough to the house.  Plan B was AT&T's new Uverse cable.  They couldn't schedule us until October 17, but we waited as they assured us they could install.  Well, they arrived on Friday, early, and we were giddy!   We raced to the door to greet the cable guy.  He had a look on his face that caused us some trepidation.  He said he didn't think he could install as the nearest line or cable (again, whatever it is called) was over a mile away.  He called a senior technician to meet him to assess the situation.  A hour later the verdict was installation.  

I have to admit we haven't missed the television as much as I thought we would.  And it has caused a lot more quality family time which is excellent.  In NYC we record (via DVR) our favorite shows so we can always catch up when we get home.  

I'll take the missing cable as a good experience for our family.  We do have plenty to occupy our time in this home.  Our next step is installation of some type of dish for satellite TV.  Let's hope we get that by Thanksgiving!

P.S.  Since no cable and no internet, I didn't bring my computer to MI and no posts to the blog.  I'm using Mark's computer and inet card to post to blog this morning.  We head home to NYC this afternoon and then overseas on Monday.  I was doing so well catching up on the blog posts for the summer.  We'll see how well I do overseas!


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